November 2021 — In Service: The Column of the ADRP President
Angela Altamore Associate Vice President, Stewardship and Donor Engagement Kansas State University Foundation
Fellow members,
As donor relations professionals, we spend our days finding unique ways to express gratitude to our donors. We look for ways to consistently raise the bar to surprise and delight those generous individuals who support our organizations. We are constantly being asked to innovate and are often under tight deadlines with high expectations. In many cases, we are the unsung heroes, acting like the Wizard of Oz, managing things behind the scenes. (Pay no attention to that person behind the curtain!)
However, during this season of gratitude, I hope you take a moment to pause and celebrate the work you and your teams do each day. You truly make a difference, and the work you do matters. Personally, I am grateful for all our volunteers, who continue to move ADRP forward. I am also thankful for our ADRP office staff, who serve our members every day. In particular, I want to recognize Krystina Toscas, ADRP’s assistant director. Krystina’s a familiar face to many of you from conferences (she’s the one with the killer red lipstick!). During her time with SBI Association Management and ADRP, she has worked to improve the member experience and overall efficiency of our organization. Krystina has recently found a new calling in helping advocate on behalf of individuals with autism. While I’m sad to see her leave, I’m thrilled she has a new opportunity that she is passionate about. We are grateful for her time with us.
I am happy to introduce the new assistant director of ADRP, Stacey Williams. Stacey has been with SBI since 2018. She also has experience in the non-profit sector, which will be an asset in working with ADRP. Stacey brings an international perspective to our organization, as she is from Australia and has lived in the US since 1999. Please help me in welcoming Stacey to the ADRP family!
Thank you again for all you do for ADRP. I am so thankful to be part of this community. I truly do think of my ADRP friends as my family.
With gratitude,
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