ADRP International Stewardship Awards


The ISA recognizes excellence and outstanding accomplishments in donor relations. We want to acknowledge your incredible achievements, share valuable best practices, and honor you as a practitioner in our field. 

We divide submissions based on a budget instead of just a category. You can now submit once per project and check as many (or as few) category types as apply to your entry. 


ISA submissions have closed, the committee will be in touch with applicants after review. 



Meet the 2023 ISA Winners

Submission Budget Levels

Winners will be selected from each budget level.

  • $0 - $2,499
  • $2,500 - $4,999
  • $5,000 - $9,999
  • $10,000+

Submission Categories

You can now submit one project entry and select multiple categories, if applicable.

ISA Winning Submissions Perks

  • Discounted attendee pricing for the Annual ADRP International Conference (1 per winning organization)
  • Celebration during the Conference that will highlight your outstanding work in front of all attendees
  • A beautiful physical award you can display in your office (1 per winning 1st place organization)
  • ADRP social media posts and emails celebrating your outstanding accomplishment, plus showcases on the ADRP website, in the HUB with past winner profiles, and at various other ADRP events
  • Opportunity to share details about your project on an ADRP webinar
  • Invitation to attend a VIP reception celebrating ISA winners and ADRP volunteers at the International Conference 

The Details

We know everyone is busy! As mentioned, you will only need to submit once per project. Be sure to fill out the budget information and check all applicable category boxes. Ideally, projects should have taken place within the last three years, but please feel free to reach out with more information if you would like our committee to consider a unique circumstance outside of those guidelines. 

Please note that your submission does not have to fit our predefined categories. Select "other" and fill out the remainder of the form. That is the beauty of our work – it can be tried and true or entirely out of the box! 

Category Details

 Digital Communications

Have you leveraged an electronic platform, whether a podcast, social media campaign, website, newsletter, or video, to share data and personalize a message of gratitude? 


Has your organization pulled off an innovative event that engaged your donors in a new way?  We want to hear all about it!  Please provide an overall description of the event, including the information in the submission form. Please attach supporting documentation including photos, invitations, and other event-related materials.

Impact Reporting

Has your organization found new ways to express impact to donors through reporting? We want to hear all about it! Please provide an overall description of the report, including the following information. Please attach supporting documentation, including letters, photos, and other report-related materials.  


Over the past few years, we have all had to go back to the drawing board to develop new and genuinely innovative ways to reach our supporters and volunteers. Did you do something above and beyond that resonated with your audience? Have you helped change the way we do business and connect with others? The format for this award could be indeed anything – we are excited to hear how you continued to make a massive difference in your market/field/industry.

Donor Recognition

For the Donor Recognition award, we're eager to learn about your innovative approaches to expressing appreciation to your supporters, fostering a deep sense of connection, and vividly demonstrating the profound impact of their contributions. We're particularly interested in how you're reshaping the traditional landscape of donor recognition, especially in public spaces. This could entail reimagining physical recognition elements such as static or digital signage, plaques, and print publications to creatively engage passersby and evoke a sense of gratitude. Additionally, we're intrigued by your virtual recognition strategies, including the use of websites, digital publications, and social media channels, to amplify donor appreciation in the digital sphere. How are you pioneering novel methods to ensure your donors are not only seen but also felt in the public eye, leaving a lasting impression of their invaluable support?

A fee of $25.00 will be charged for each entry, and donor relations colleagues and industry experts will judge each category. The awards are open to members and non-members; all are welcome to apply!


Looking for inspiration? View our past ADRP International Stewardship Award Winners.

Events Impact Reporting

View Application Questions

View Application Questions

Digital Communications Innovation

View Application Questions

View Application Questions
Donor Recognition  

View Application Questions



2024 ADRP International Stewardship Awards Selection Committee

  • Scott Eichinger, Board Liaison
  • Kimberly Johnson, Co-Chair
  • Dena Scott, Co-Chair
  • Amanda Arpe
  • Kelley Board
  • Susan Cole 
  • Jamie M. Dixon
  • Gillian Kennedy
  • Blythe Kneedler
  • Abby Leverenz
  • Nancy Masterson-Newkirk
  • Paige Morris
  • Kris Vasquez