December 2021 — In Service: The Column of the ADRP President

Angela Altamore PhotoAngela Altamore
Associate Vice President, Stewardship and Donor Engagement
Kansas State University Foundation

Once upon a time . . .  

I’m a book nerd. I almost always have a big stack of books to catch up on. They range from fiction to professional development to biographies and nearly everything in between. Second only to getting lost in a stationery store, roaming around a book shop is one of my favorite activities. And even though I know I have a stack on hand, it’s still hard to resist spending another Saturday morning lost in the stacks at my local library, leaving with a tote bag full of gems. In another life, I may have even been a librarian. . . . my work collection has an old school card check-out system so I can keep track of the books I loan out!  

This month’s Hub is all about storytelling. Each and every day, the work we do as donor relations professionals tells a story. From the dramatic last-minute requests we try to pull off to the carefully planned projects we execute, we have to be nimble and adapt to all the characters we interact with to bring our stories to life. In many ways, our work is like a “Chose Your Own Adventure” book. We have to use the data at hand to make the best decisions. Each day, a new stage is set for us to tell a new chapter. So, where will tomorrow lead you?  

Happy reading!  

Angela Altamore

ADRP President


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