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Outsmarting Traffic, Together: WAZE to Navigate Your Stewardship JourneyThe road to successful stewardship is more than just red lines on a map. The University of Georgia’s Office of Donor Relations and Stewardship takes a flexible approach by thinking ahead and working together to outsmart traffic that may stand in their way. By getting the right people on the bus, connecting with colleagues across campus, and occasionally taking the scenic route, you too can constantly improve your journey to creative and engaging stewardship. Objectives:
About the Presenters:Tony Stringer Tony Stringer has been employed by the University of Georgia for 21 years, and has held the position of Senior Director of Donor Relations & Stewardship for the past 10. Prior to his move to the University’s Donor Relations & Stewardship office, he served as Donor Relations Coordinator for UGA’s Terry College of Business for more than six years. Before that, he was part of the Student Services department at UGA’s College of Education. A native of Athens, Tony received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism from UGA’s Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication. He volunteers in the nonprofit sector, and has served as a Trustee of the Athens-Clarke Heritage Foundation, a board member for the UGA Women’s Gymnastics Ten-O Club, and currently serves on the Friends Board of the Georgia Museum of Art. Teresa Kesler Teresa Kesler is the Assistant Director of Donor Relations and Stewardship at the University of Georgia, a role she has held for nine years. She has worked in the Development and Alumni Relations division since 1996 beginning in the data management area, and then the IT department as quality control and a query specialist. Her love of data, people, and problem solving makes her a natural fit in the donor relations and stewardship world. She has presented at the Southeast Regional ADRP conference as well as the CASE District III conference.