In Service: The Column of the ADRP President - June 2023

Cheryl Smith Lintner

Executive Director, Donor Relations

Hackensack Meridian Health Foundation


For me, one of the most exciting things about being a senior donor relations professional is seeing new professionals intentionally choose donor relations as a career. How many times have I heard: “Well, it’s a funny story how I just sort of fell into donor relations…”? Too many to count! And for a long time, that was our shared narrative. 
But, folks, as Bob Dylan so aptly put it: “The times, they are a-changin'.” 
ADRP’s members - all 2,000+ strong!! - now include individuals who saw the potential in donor relations - and jumped right in. From the advancement services intern who applied for that junior level role on the stewardship team right after graduation; to the former frontline fundraisers who happily defected to donor relations (there are lots of you!); to the young adult whose parent is a donor relations professional and decided that works for them too (really, I met them!). 
When it comes to careers, donor relations is still quite young. And it’s incredibly heart-warming to see these changes, little by little, in our growth and our impact as a profession. It’s kind of like watching a kid grow.* I am proud and bewildered and nostalgic all at the same time. I was part of this. You are part of this. We are part of this.
Thank you for choosing donor relations, and thank you for choosing ADRP. 
*Metaphorically and literally for me, as my kid is now *gasp* 7 inches taller than me and counting.




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