November 17th Webinar

Rome Wasn't Built in a Day and Neither Was Our Digital Acknowledgement Program

Presentation Slides
Webinar Recording

About the Webinar

Are you concerned that your lower-level benefactors are not receiving the recognition that they deserve? Unsure of where to begin with segmenting and capturing data and who to partner with to create a digital acknowledgment program? In this session, members of the CU Anschutz Benefactor Relations Team will share how we developed and implemented a program to acknowledge benefactors that would have otherwise gone unrecognized through a digital acknowledgment system. We will discuss our process from project conception, to audience segmentation, creation of digital tools, partnerships made around campus, and the roadblocks we encountered along the way with the goal of preparing your organization for a smooth implementation of your own digital acknowledgment system.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Collecting and organizing the data you want for your digital acknowledgment program

  2. Segmenting your audience and creating partnerships with campus tech and data resources

  3. Obstacles encountered and how to overcome them

Target Audience

Shop Size

Experience Level

Suitable for all audiences Suitable for any size shop Suitable for all levels

About the Presenters

Brian Kusior, Philanthropic Liaison, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus

Brian started as the benefactor relations philanthropic assistant in the Office of Advancement at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in January 2020. He manages the acknowledgment letter program for all benefactors to campus and executes various stewardship touchpoints.

Kailyn Gramly, Senior Stewardship CoordinatorUniversity of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus

Kailyn joined the Office of Advancement at CU Anschutz in 2016. She has now been in her stewardship coordinator position for more than five years, and has loved every second! She handles fund management and gift agreements, impact reporting, benefactor recognition, and much more.