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April 11, 2024 Webinar | Meaningful Metrics that Drive Decision Making in Donor Engagement and Stewardship
Thursday, April 11, 2024, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PST
Category: Webinars

2024 ADRP Webinar Series

April 11, 2024 | Meaningful Metrics that Drive Decision Making in Donor Engagement and Stewardship

Thursday, April 11, 2024
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM (PT) / 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM (ET)

This webinar has passed

Members: FREE | Non-Members: $75

Full participation in the ADRP 2024 Webinar Series is equivalent to 12 points (one point per webinar) of Education credit for the CFRE International application for certification and/or re-certification.

About the Webinar

Metrics are everywhere in Advancement. The evolving role of donor relations and stewardship professionals illuminates challenges in how we evaluate and communicate the impact of what we do.In this session, we will explore how to identify and collect the right data, leverage that data to refine our work, and present meaningful metrics in ways fundraisers understand. Prioritizing donor engagement and stewardship activities that have the highest ROI means understanding the impact of your program and where you can help fundraisers move the needle. What metrics would be most meaningful for capturing the impact of your work and driving decisions?

Learning Objectives

  1. Anatomy of a Metric: Identifying and selecting your metrics to find low-hanging fruit in data collection and choose data that can drive analysis and decision making
  2. Leveraging your metrics: using data to drive decision making, inform refinement, and distill
  3. Presenting your metrics: sharing meaningful metrics in ways fundraisers understand

Target Audience

Shop Size

Experience Level

Suitable for all audiences Suitable for any size shop Suitable for all levels

About the Presenter

Brooke Salls, Associate Director, Recognition and Stewardship, Dartmouth, Tuck School of Buisness

Brooke Salls serves Dartmouth's Tuck School of Business, leading Recognition and Stewardship across the full spectrum of annual, major, principal, planned giving, and transformational investments.

Please notify the ADRP office 24 hours in advance of the webinar if you have not yet received your registration link.
ADRP members can access past webinars at any time by visiting the webinars page of the ADRP website and selecting "Missed a Webinar?" at the top of the page.


Thank You To Our 2024 Webinar Sponsor