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March 7, 2023 Webinar | Future Proofing Our Fund Terms
Tuesday, March 07, 2023, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PDT
Category: Webinars
2023 ADRP Webinar SeriesMarch 7, 2023 | Future Proofing Our Fund TermsTuesday, March 7, 2023 Registration Closed. Thank you for attending. Members: FREE | Non-Members: $75 Full participation in the ADRP 2023 Webinar Series is equivalent to 12 points (one point per webinar) of Education credit for the CFRE International application for certification and/or re-certification.
About the WebinarCovid proved we can’t predict three years into the future, much less 50, 100, or 200 years. Yet when we draft endowed fund terms that is what we are required to do, and even before Covid, I learned the hard way that Current Use funds need to be future-proofed too. How do we protect the donor’s intent and the needs of our organizations? While I think we at Northeastern have developed powerful language that covers most contingencies, I am sure there are situations that we haven’t encountered. Hopefully, everyone will bring their own horror story they have lived through and provide their solution. We will cover the importance of flexibility throughout your terms (because it’s expensive to go to court) and how to explain to gift officers and donors why we need the language we are using. The evolution of our endowed fund terms language over the last 12 years not only helps to better protect Northeastern from future legal bills but also our donors by assuaging their concerns that their fund will still do what they want it to do far into the future (and so do the mini “out clauses” we have throughout the terms.) And then also review how current use funds also need to be protected. Learning Objectives
Please notify the ADRP office 24 hours in advance of the webinar if you have not yet received your registration link.
Thank You To Our 2023 Webinar Sponsor