Association of Donor Relations Professionals
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ADRP 2024: Speaker Proposal Interest Webinar
Wednesday, February 28, 2024, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM PDT
Category: Webinars

The 2024 ADRP International Conference, “To Be a Kid Again: 20 Years of Looking Up,” needs experts like you to share all of your skills, ideas, and lessons learned. We’re accepting proposals now for breakout sessions at the conference in Indianapolis on September 15-18.

Free Webinar

Are you interested in presenting but never submitted a proposal before or want to brush up on this year’s guidelines? We are offering a free webinar on Wednesday, February 28, at 12:00 PM ET. 

You make the ADRP Conference what it is—an inclusive, supportive gathering where you can share your strengths and accomplishments to help others grow. Presenting can also be a feather in your cap—a sign to colleagues across your organization that you’re a leader in your field.

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