9B | Plan B? What About Plan A?

Friday, Oct 2
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Experience Level
Newcomer (0-2 years)

Shop Size
Suitable for any size shop

Benjamin Franklin said "Failing to plan is planning to fail." Are you new to the field of donor relations? Not sure where to start? This presentation will share the nuts and bolts of creating a donor engagement plan from the beginning-determining who your constituent groups are, what their connection is to your organization, and creating an engagement plan that is unique to your organization. Participants will walk away with a draft engagement plan that they can use immediately for success as donor relations professionals. 



Heather C. Diehl

Heather C. Diehl is Donor Relations Officer of Engagement for the San Antonio Area Foundation. She is Board President of the AFP San Antonio chapter and has been a Toastmaster since 2006. She is passionate about connecting with donors to share their stories.