6F | On-Line Donor Rolls: Relatively Painless

Thursday, Oct 1
1:15 - 2:15 PM

Experience Level
Suitable for all levels

Shop Size
Suitable for any size shop

Tired of pulling all of the same pieces together, year after year, into a published publication that costs a lot to print? There is an easier way and less expensive path down this donor recognition road that makes this a great tool for fundraising too. Come find out what resources you need to pull together to create an on-line, automated donor roll. 


Karen Shackett

Karen Shackett has stewarded donors for almost 20 years.  She has managed donor and fund data for the Donor Relations Office at Middlebury College for the last ten years.  In 2008 she created an on-line, automated database with help from her Information Technology colleagues that is used both for donor recognition and as a fundraising tool.