6A | Creative + Leader = You

Thursday, Oct 1
1:15 - 2:15 PM

Experience Level
Suitable for all levels.

Shop Size
Suitable for any size shop.

Everyone is creative and everyone is a leader. It's true!

During this session we will explore what it means to be creative and the importance of tapping into your creativity as you influence change and solve problems in your organization. And if you think you have lost your creativity - or maybe you are unsure where to find it - that is o.k. By the end of the session you will be introduced to four fundamental principles you can put into practice that will strengthen your creativity.


MaryBeth Zacharias

MaryBeth Zacharias is an Organizational Development professional with experience in non-profit, education, and global professional services. She is most energized when partnering with individuals and organizations to identify their strengths and harness their creativity for positive growth and change.

She is also inspired by the curiosity and spirit of children and young adults, and volunteers with organizations that support learning and development in K-12.

MaryBeth holds a BA in Psychology from the University of Michigan and is pursuing an MS in Creativity and Change Leadership from the International Center for Studies in Creativity at Buffalo State College.