10C | "We're Having ANOTHER Meeting?" End the Time Wasted in Inefficient Meetings

Friday, Oct 2
1:00 - 2:00 PM

Experience Level
Midlevel (2-5 years)
Experienced (5+ years)

Shop Size
Medium Shop (6-10 staff)
Large Shop (11+ staff)

Seeking shorter, more efficient meetings where agendas are completed?  Whether an office of two or twenty, learn to identify the "hunter/gatherer," "thinker" and "action hero" in your office to make meetings both efficient and productive.  Alison Henderson, certified Movement Pattern Analyst, will teach you how to determine the three types of decision-makers using non-verbal behavioral cues.  She'll then illustrate how to utilize your team's decision-making preferences in all areas of your organization.

Alison Henderson

Alison Henderson is founder of Moving Image Consulting. She is an expert in non-verbal communication and its connection to the decision-making process. Alison is one of only 25 certified Movement Pattern Analysts worldwide and the information she shares is only found in several companies in the US. She holds a Certificate in Non-Profit Management and a MFA in Directing and Dramaturgy from Roosevelt University in Chicago. As Artistic Director of several theater companies and as a past Development Director for Plasticene Theater, Alison understands the many hats worn by donor and development teams and the importance of their work.