March 2019 Webinar

Developing a Culture of Philanthropy by Sacrificing the Annual Fund
Presented on March 14 by:

Kelli Rule, University of Western States

Session Description:
How do you develop a culture of philanthropy among graduate students? Giving from students and young alumni from graduate-level programs or professional schools are notoriously low, relative to that from undergraduate institutions. Our school scratched its heads for do you ask people who have paid - or are currently paying - hundreds of thousands of dollars out of pocket for their education, to support your institution before they have established their careers and made their fortunes? Learn how we said "no" to the traditional class gift model, and strong-armed annual appeals, and turned the tables on inspiring philanthropy by sacrificing annual fund dollars (in the short-term) and raising funds for things that impact student experience in big ways, thus showing students the impact philanthropy can have on lives, which will, in theory, increase the likelihood that they will give back when they are able.

Presentation Slides

Webinar Recording:

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